Appeal For Information After High-Value Mountain Bikes Stolen From Holmfirth

Appeal For Information After High-Value Mountain Bikes Stolen From Holmfirth

News Hour
Orange Patriot

Tuesday, 17 May, 2022

Police in Kirklees are appealing for information after high-value mountain bikes were stolen in a burglary at a house in Holmfirth. 

The incident happened on Saturday 30th April between 5:30pm and 10:20pm at an address on Holm View Avenue. The burglars broke in by forcing a rear window at the property before taking various items of jewellery and two mountain bikes.

Officers have released images of the bikes – one is an Orange Patriot in pearlescent white and the other an Empire MX6 EVO in black with orange decals.

Empire MX6

Detective Constable Christopher Eglen of Huddersfield District Crime Team, said: “We are appealing for anyone who may have information on the whereabouts of the stolen bikes or have information to assist the enquiry to contact myself at Huddersfield CID via 101 quoting crime reference number 13220232388, or online via online via

“Alternatively, contact independent charity Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111.”
