Bradford Coroner's appeal - Robert Parsons

Bardia Shojaeifard Sentenced for Murder of Alfie Lewis

News Hour

Friday, 21 June, 2024

A youth has been given a life sentence for the murder of 15-year-old Alfie Lewis who was stabbed and fatally wounded in Leeds last year.

Bardia Shojaeifard, who was 14 at the time of the murder and now 15, was convicted following a unanimous verdict by a jury at the conclusion of his trial at Leeds Crown Court on May 3.

Today he was given a life sentence with a minimum term of 13 years.

Alfie was attacked at the junction of Church Road and Church Lane, in Horsforth, shortly before 3pm on Tuesday, November 7, last year.

He was stabbed twice – once in the chest and once in the leg – with the chest wound penetrating his heart and causing catastrophic bleeding. He was pronounced dead at hospital a short time later.

The incident happened in a busy street during school home time, outside a local primary school, when Alfie was on his way to meet friends from Horsforth School, where he had previously been a student.

Eyewitnesses, including children, school staff and passing members of the public, gave evidence that they had seen Shojaeifard approach Alfie and attack him without provocation.

They reported seeing Alfie backing away and being heard saying “chill out” and “what are you doing?” as Shojaeifard swung at him with the knife.

He ran off, leaving the knife near the scene, and was arrested from his home about an hour later after being identified by witnesses.

Detectives from West Yorkshire Police Homicide and Major Enquiry Team launched a murder investigation.

The kitchen knife, which was matched to a set of knives at the boy’s home, was forensically examined and blood matching Alfie’s DNA was found on it.

Alfie’s blood was also found on the Shojaeifard’s clothing where he had briefly replaced the knife in his waistband before discarding it near the scene.

The handle of the knife had been painted black and he is believed to have carried it with him at school all day, preparing to seek out Alfie at home time.

The court was told of two previous incidents involving both boys – one in July where Alfie had intervened during a fight between Shojaeifard and another boy, and one on October 31 involving a bag of fireworks he was carrying.

Shojaeifard said he was threatened by Alfie and feared for his life as a result of these incidents. He denied murder and claimed that he had acted in self-defence.

But the jury discounted his claims and convicted him of murder.

Shojaeifard had previously pleaded guilty to possession of a kitchen knife used in the incident.

Senior Investigating Officer, Detective Chief Inspector Stacey Atkinson said: “Shojaeifard targeted Alfie in a premeditated and planned attack using murderous violence to end his young life, for which there can be no excuse or justification.

“His actions have robbed Alfie of his future and left his family and friends absolutely devastated. No sentence will ever compensate them for their loss.

“Shojaeifard will have the rest of his life to reflect on the terrible pain and heartache that his violent actions have caused Alfie’s family.”

A statement from the family of Alfie Lewis:

No sentence will ever give us the justice we want and deserve; to have Alfie home with us. There is no punishment that can be given that will take away our pain. 

We’re disappointed by the sentence handed down today by Mr Justice Cotter and do not feel this demonstrates how serious the actions of Alfie’s murderer have been. Alfie will be forever 15. 

Knife crime is an epidemic affecting our youth, even when they are innocent as Alfie was. Our efforts now must go on trying to influence the changes which are needed to the law to stop our babies being killed so senselessly. 

We would like to thank our family, friends, and wider community for the continued love and support you have shown us throughout the worst months of our lives. Having Alfie ripped from us so violently whilst coming to terms with our beloved mum being terminally ill and passing away has been the most trying and testing of times for us as a family. 

Alfie, your absence is felt every second of every day and our lives are forever changed by what has been taken from us. We will never be complete again. We are broken. All we can do now is speak your name every day, spend our time reminiscing on the joy you brought us, and live with the aching hearts that we are left with. You brought joy and happiness to us every day with your jokes, stories, dancing and kindness. 

Alfie, your mum loved you for 15 years and thought she would have you here with her for the rest of her life. We love you and we miss you and we will do forever.
