Brett Hodgson delivers injury update on Kane Evans as forward given good news

Brett Hodgson delivers injury update on Kane Evans as forward given good news

News Hour

Brett Hodgson has confirmed Kane Evans will not miss any action through injury after receiving good news from a specialist.

Evans injured his pectoral muscle during Hull FC’s behind closed doors training game against London Broncos last month.

Initial fears were the prop could need surgery, ruling him out for a significant chunk of the Super League season.

However, Hodgson has confirmed Evans should be fit enough to be involved by round four, which is when he becomes eligible to make his Black and Whites debut, given he is suspended for the first three rounds of the season.

“It’s good news,” Hodgson said. “He faces three weeks suspension anyway at the start of the season but it is a minor tear there so he doesn’t need an operation and he’ll be good to go in round four.

“He doesn’t miss any time through injury.

“I don’t want to put a big target on him at the moment. I think coming off a long time without playing and missing those pre-season games, it might take him a couple of weeks to get up to pace.

“It’s similar to Joe Lovodua, I think he found against Leeds that it was probably quicker than he anticipated so those boys will take a couple of weeks to get to the standard that I think they’ll be happy with and we’re willing to be patient with that.

“Kane will play a big part in our season, definitely.”

The head coach also has high hopes that Chris Satae will be fit enough to return to action in time for their season opener against Wakefield Trinity next week alongside a handful of others.

“At the moment it’s looking good, he has another session this morning that he just has to tick off and then he’ll be back with the team next week,” he said on Satae.

“We purposely didn’t play a number of players against Leeds at the weekend because there were some niggles there but I would think we will probably have around six or seven come back into contention that are first-team regulars.

“We won’t be too far off the mark come round one.”
