Deal man called police for help in Ashford and then spat at officers

Deal man called police for help in Ashford and then spat at officers

News Hour

A man who called the police for help spat at officers when they arrived.

James Brown, from Deal, had got into an argument with his former partner’s son in Ashford when he dialled 999.

James Brown, from Deal, spat at a police officer twice in AshfordJames Brown, from Deal, spat at a police officer twice in Ashford
James Brown, from Deal, spat at a police officer twice in Ashford

But he was arrested after acting aggressively as police arrived at the scene, a court heard.

Then, as officers were apprehending the 37-year-old, he spat directly on one PC and then tried to spit at the officer again, but missed.

He then spat in a police van while en route to Dover police station for questioning.

During the struggle with officers on December 9, Brown suffered an injury to his collarbone and claimed it was a result of the officers’ aggression towards him.

He was later charged with assault on an emergency worker and criminal damage.

James Brown also spat in the police van when he was arrestedJames Brown also spat in the police van when he was arrested
James Brown also spat in the police van when he was arrested

The Church Lane resident admitted the offences when he appeared in the dock before Deputy District Judge Jennifer Thwaites at Folkestone Magistrates’ Court on January 17.

James Nichols, prosecuting, said: “He was under arrest for other matters and became aggressive and spat at an officer and then tried to spit at him a second time, but it didn’t land on the officer.

“Then he spat in the back of the van as he was being transported and it cost £100 to have the van deep cleaned.”

The court heard Brown had been given a community order for theft on November 10 and had an alcohol abstinence tag.

Judge Thwaites was also told Brown, who receives Employment and Support Allowance benefits, was doing quite well on his order. However, the court was told he was struggling with mental health issues and had an appointment the next day to try and get some help for that.

James Brown appeared at Folkestone Magistrates' CourtJames Brown appeared at Folkestone Magistrates' Court
James Brown appeared at Folkestone Magistrates’ Court

As a result, Judge Thwaites decided to adjourn sentencing so she could find out more about Brown’s issues via an all-options pre-sentencing report.

She granted him bail until he returns to be sentenced on March 21 at the same court.
