El Galeon Andalucia replica 17th century Spanish Galleon ship docks at Ramsgate Harbour

El Galeon Andalucia replica 17th century Spanish Galleon ship docks at Ramsgate Harbour

News Hour

A replica of a 17th century Spanish galleon ship described as a floating museum has docked in Kent.

El Galeon Andalucia is 500 tonnes and 160 ft long and can be seen and boarded at Ramsgate harbour.

El Galeon Andalucia is described as a floating museum. Picture: Swift Aerial Photography
El Galeon Andalucia is described as a floating museum. Picture: Swift Aerial Photography

The impressive vessel was built between 2009 and 2010 by the Nao Victoria Foundation after three years of intense research.

Sixteen months were then spent building the huge ship before it launched on November 30, 2009 and it has since docked at many ports all around the world.

El Galeon is similar to those of the Spanish Armada which was famously defeated by Sir Francis Drake in 1588.

Spanish Galleons were designed to cross the Atlantic and Pacific oceans with maximum efficiency.

They carried up to 150 people aboard including officers, crew members, merchants, servants, families and other passengers.

The replica 17th century ship El Galeon Andalucia is 500 tonnes and 160 ft long. Picture: Swift Aerial Photography
The replica 17th century ship El Galeon Andalucia is 500 tonnes and 160 ft long. Picture: Swift Aerial Photography
A replica of a 17th century Spanish Galleon has docked at Ramsgate Harbour. Picture: Swift Aerial Photography
A replica of a 17th century Spanish Galleon has docked at Ramsgate Harbour. Picture: Swift Aerial Photography

They usually brought goods from Europe to the Americas, and transported rich treasures back home which were sought after by pirates.

The ship’s six decks can be explored from 10am until 8pm daily from May 4 until Sunday, May 14.

Tickets are £10 for adults, £5 for children between five and 10 years old and free for children under five.

The public can board the ship at Ramsgate Harbour. Picture: Swift Aerial Photography
The public can board the ship at Ramsgate Harbour. Picture: Swift Aerial Photography
The ship at Ramsgate Harbour took 16 months to build. Picture: Swift Aerial Photography
The ship at Ramsgate Harbour took 16 months to build. Picture: Swift Aerial Photography

Another unusual ship, The Morgenster, is also in the harbour.

The 104-year-old sailing boat is back from its first crossing between Ramsgate and Ostend.
