I actually love being fat - my stretchmarks are genuinely beautiful and my cellulite's a source of pride, also I'm hot

I actually love being fat – my stretchmarks are genuinely beautiful and my cellulite’s a source of pride, also I’m hot

News Hour

A BODY positive songwriter has declared that she loves being fat and embraced her curves.

She doted on the stretchmarks and cellulite on her body because she said they are part of what make her a hot girl.

Singer-songwriter Brye admitted that she actually loves being fat


Singer-songwriter Brye admitted that she actually loves being fatCredit: TikTok/bryemusic
She said her stretchmarks are genuinely beautiful and her cellulite’s a source of pride


She said her stretchmarks are genuinely beautiful and her cellulite’s a source of prideCredit: TikTok/bryemusic

Singer-songwriter Brye (@bryemusic) shares self-love-themed content online.

She shared a body confident statement in a video about herself and how she feels about her figure.

Brye simply looked at the camera with an unbothered expression for the entire video.

“This might be shocking, but I actually love being fat,” the first part of the subtitle read.

She proceeded to reveal that she loves the way her body is shaped and the “softness that is inherent” to her.

The redhead admitted that she came to terms with her body and found “comfort” following her weight gain.

“My stretchmarks are so genuinely beautiful to me now. My cellulite is a source of pride,” the subtitle continued.

Brye detailed that all of these aspects of herself have given her a deeper appreciation for her “body’s resilience.”

She closed out the confident note with a simple “Also I’m hot.”

The comment section was filled with supportive words and uplifting messages.

“‘I have a softness that is inherent to me’ has me bawling right now. That’s so sweet,” a viewer commented.

“I love the wave of self-love coming out of women right now. It’s so intoxicatingly beautiful and inspiring. I love you,” another wrote.

“Amazing!!! It really helps to see other people accepting their bodies and working towards self-confidence,” a TikTok user shared.

Brye also has a song called Diet Culture that went viral and she revealed in another video that because of it her “life was forever changed.”

One of the main lyrics is “fat is not a dirty word,” which she has redefined through her skillset.

She has redefined what the word fat means through her music and declared she's hot


She has redefined what the word fat means through her music and declared she’s hotCredit: TikTok/bryemusic
