I clogged my boyfriend's toilet and he had no plunger - when people see how he handled it, they say I have to marry him

I clogged my boyfriend’s toilet and he had no plunger – when people see how he handled it, they say I have to marry him

News Hour

A MORTIFIED woman attempted to conceal her error when she clogged the toilet at her boyfriend’s house.

While the situation was already embarrassing enough, she was even more horrified when she realized he didn’t have a plunger.

Ash was mortified when she clogged the toilet in her boyfriend's house


Ash was mortified when she clogged the toilet in her boyfriend’s houseCredit: TikTok/0atmilkmamii
She tried to flush the toilet multiple times but eventually gave up


She tried to flush the toilet multiple times but eventually gave upCredit: TikTok/0atmilkmamii

Ash (@0atmilkmamii) shared her live reaction to the situation in a video with her TikTok followers.

After using the toilet and flushing, she was in shock when she realized she had clogged it.

Unsure of what to do, she quickly slapped the toilet lid on and attempted to flush the toilet a few more times.

When she realized that wouldn’t work, she grabbed some paper towels to hide the flush button.


A few hectic moments and a mental breakdown later, she relented in telling her partner about the situation.

When he entered the bathroom to deal with the problem, however, the two realized he didn’t have a plunger.

That wasn’t an issue for her boyfriend, who manually “plunged” the toilet — using his bare hands.

“There was no plunger and yes, I cried,” she said.

People took to the comments to share their thoughts on the situation — many were shocked by how it escalated.

“I gasped when I saw his hand in the toilet,” said one commenter.

Others couldn’t help but agree: “I think there are steps he could’ve taken before hands,” said another.

“Y’all couldn’t have gone to the dollar store and bought a plunger?” said a third.

Many were amused by her boyfriend’s chosen course of action: “Why is he giving it CPR?” said one viewer.

Others thought she found a keeper, judging by his lack of hesitation to help her: “Marry him right now girl,” said another.

Her boyfriend used his bare hands to "flush" the toilet after realizing they didn't have a plunger


Her boyfriend used his bare hands to “flush” the toilet after realizing they didn’t have a plungerCredit: TikTok/0atmilkmamii
