Kirklees Sexual Abuse Survivor Encourages Other Victims To Come Forwards After Her Attacker Is Jailed

Kirklees Sexual Abuse Survivor Encourages Other Victims To Come Forwards After Her Attacker Is Jailed

News Hour

Tuesday 21 November 2023

A woman who was seriously sexually assaulted as a child has encouraged survivors to never remain silent after seeing her attacker jailed for 14 years.  

The Huddersfield woman, who does not wish to be identified, spoke out following the recent sentencing of George Grace (78) from Royston in  Barnsley.  

George Grace

He was sentenced at Leeds Crown Court on November 10 after being found guilty of offences of rape and two offences of indecent assault.  

The offences took place between 1985 and 1992 in the Huddersfield area when the victim was a young child.  

The new investigation by the Kirklees District child safeguarding officers resulted in George Grace being charged in July 2022. 

Speaking after sentencing, the survivor said: “My message to other women and men who have gone through this is to contact the police and get justice.   

“You are stronger than you think and I can promise the support is really there for you.  Pre trial and post-trial, there is help in place and it is worth its weight in gold. 

The survivor said she had been overwhelmed when the guilty verdict had been delivered which was a unanimous decision by the jury against Grace.  She added she was still processing this. 

DC Megan Boothroyd  of the Kirklees District Child Safeguarding Team, said: “George Grace committed dreadful offences against a then young child over a sustained period and we welcome the sentence imposed by the courts against him.  

“She has shown great courage in coming forwards and doing everything she possibly could to ensure Grace was put before the courts. 

“We continue to urge anyone who has been a victim of a sexual offence and has not reported it, for whatever reason, to contact the police.  

“All reports are thoroughly investigated by specialist officers who can also signpost victims to the help and support they may need.” 
