Magic Tenner campaign takes place at independent businesses across Thanet – The Isle Of Thanet News

Magic Tenner campaign takes place at independent businesses across Thanet – The Isle Of Thanet News

News Hour
Montys in Birchington has joined the Magic Tenner campaign

A new Totally Locally event is currently running across Thanet’s high streets.

The Magic Tenner campaign is running now until October 21 with lots of £10 offers being made by the isle’s independent shops and businesses.

The Totally Locally campaign is built to show how spending £10 in a local independent can mean up to £50 going back into the local economy.

Following on from the successful Fiver Fest, the Magic Tenner Campaign is designed to give businesses the opportunity to engage with customers,  work with fellow local traders and make a big deal of how important it is to make the high street vibrant, unique and wonderful.

Generating £50 from £10 is estimated because most local indie businesses choose to spend their money in other local businesses, so the money goes round and around the town’s economy.

Bira (The British Independent Retailers Association) is the sponsor of this month’s  Magic Tenner Campaign. Bira work as the voice of independent retail and other high street businesses, fighting for a level playing field.

They provide support in areas of concern such as business rates, parking and staffing and offer savings on key business outgoings such as card processing, business insurance, legal advice and more.

For businesses wanting to get involved contact the Totally Locally Town Champions:

Ramsgate – Rebekah Smith –

Margate – Steven Mckenna –

Broadstairs – Neal Parton – contact

Westgate – Sarah Gibbon –

Birchington – Lorrain Powderham –
