Moment man kicks down door before stabbing daughter's father-in-law to death | UK News

Moment man kicks down door before stabbing daughter’s father-in-law to death | UK News

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Shocking footage shows the moment a knifeman tried to kick his way into a house before stabbing his daughter’s father-in-law to death in a row over wedding gifts.

Ahmad Alsino, 43, confronted dentist Mohammed Salem Ibrahim, 55, on his own doorstep before stabbing him four times with a Gino D’Acampo kitchen knife.

Police yesterday released footage showing how they tracked Alsino across Birmingham and arrested him at gunpoint just 40 minutes about the murder.

Alsino and Mr Ibrahim had fallen out following a family wedding in an argument over gold jewellery given to their children as gifts.

Just before 1pm on March 13 this year Alsino stabbed Mr Ibrahim multiple times at his home in Castle Vale, Birmingham.

He also went on to slash his daughter’s husband Aram Ibrahim, who was left with serious injuries but survived the attack.

Emergency services rushed to the scene on Cadbury Drive but dad-of-five Mr Ibrahim could not be save despite the efforts of medics.

Alsino fled after the knife attack, but cops were behind him as he got out of his car after Mr Ibrahim’s family called 999.

Ahmad Al Sino with the knife during the attack on Mohammed Ibrahim (Picture: West Midlands Police / SWNS)

Dramatic footage shows police tracking the vehicle’s movements across the city before he was arrested by armed officers outside his home in Northfield.

A search of the car found a plastic bag containing two knives, one was later found by forensic experts to have Mr Ibrahim’s blood on it.

Alsino was previously found guilty of murder, attempted murder and possession of a knife following a three week trial at Birmingham Crown Court.

Lat week he was jailed for life and ordered to serve a minimum of 26 years after being sentenced at the same court.

The court was told Alsino had driven his pregnant daughter Lylan to the property where a bitter row broke out with her partner.

He had tried to kick the door down and when Mr Ibrahim came outside he was stabbed four times, with three wounds penetrating his chest.

Sentencing, Judge Simon Drew KC said ‘You took your pregnant daughter to Cadbury Drive to collect some of her belongings from the house where she was living with her husband Aram and the Ibrahim family.

‘When Lylan was in the house you waited by the car, angry and upset, but not seeking a confrontation.

‘When Mohammed Ibrahim came out of the house he invited you in. That served to inflame matters, your anger increased and you refused his invitation.

‘When Lylan subsequently phoned, claiming that she was being assaulted, you believed her and as a result you lost your temper and armed yourself with a knife.

‘You went to the door to force your way in in order to get her out but you failed to open it.

‘When the door was opened you saw Lylan, Mr Ibrahim and Aram in the front hallway.

‘You then launched an unprovoked attack upon Mr Ibrahim and Aram, at first with fists and then using the knife on both of them in a violent frenzy, stabbing each a number of times.

‘I am satisfied that you must have intended to kill Mohammed when you were stabbing him.

‘You knew that you had seriously injured two men but you offered them no assistance and left the scene failing to contact emergency services.

‘I have listened to the victim personal statements in this case with care.

“The whole Ibrahim family, who came to this country to find sanctuary, have been s’verely affected by your actions on that day.’

In a statement the victim’s daughter said her father, who had fled from Syria, had been the victim of a ‘barbaric and brutal’ attack.

She said ‘He was a highly regarded dentist from the Kurdish community.

‘He was a pillar of the community. He was not only known for his profession but also for his generosity, kindness and wisdom to anybody who crossed his path.’

Detective Inspector Damian Forrest, from West Midlands Police, said: ‘Al Sino’s decision to carry and use a knife has resulted in the loss of a father’s life.

‘His actions, which have rightly been brought to justice, underline the irreversible impact such dangerous decisions can have.

‘We know that nothing will ever bring Mr Ibrahim back but we hope this sentence will provide some comfort to his family and friends.’

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