Northdown Primary School pupils reach new heights  at Revolution Skatepark – The Isle Of Thanet News

Northdown Primary School pupils reach new heights  at Revolution Skatepark – The Isle Of Thanet News

News Hour
Fun at Revolution Skatepark in Broadstairs

Northdown Primary School, Margate, took its Year 4 pupils to Revolution Skatepark this week as part of their topic of Marvellous Mountains.

This term the youngsters have explored how mountains are formed and spent time looking at famous mountain explorers. To round off their learning, they had a taste of what it would be like to be a mountain climber at Revolution climbing centre. They tackled bouldering and harnessed climbing, which for many was a new experience.

Year 4 teacher Emma Stow said: “All the children showed great courage, determination and resilience, many overcoming fears and conquering new skills.  Their faces beamed as they filled with pride not only for themselves but for their classmates.”

Fellow Year 4 teacher Hayley Hughes agreed: “All children showed tremendous harmony supporting and cheering each other on.”

The trip was funded by the school as part of its commitment to broadening the experiences of its pupils.
