Residents Urged To Keep Reporting Illegal Off Road Bike Use, Huddersfield

Residents Urged To Keep Reporting Illegal Off Road Bike Use, Huddersfield

News Hour

Tuesday 4 June, 2024

Police have pledged to continue hunting down rogue riders in Huddersfield after arresting a suspect for off road bike offending. 

Officers from the Huddersfield Neighbourhood Policing Team, are urging residents to continue reporting dangerous off road riders and said every report is followed up.

Huddersfield officers attended a number of reports of illegal off road riding in the town on Sunday including reports of bikers on Lindley Moor Road.  Follow up enquiries ongoing into all reports in order to identify offenders. 

A 16-year- old male meanwhile was arrested by Huddersfield Town Centre Proactive Team officers on Thursday, after plain clothes police spotted two riders behaving anti socially. 

He was later charged with driving with no licence, no insurance and driving without due care and attention and will be dealt with via the courts. 

Inspector Andy Barraclough of Huddersfield NPT, said: “The summer months do typically see an upsurge in this type of activity and we do have operations underway to track down those who think it is acceptable to act in such a dangerous way. 
“I want to thank residents who contact us about illegal off road riding and strongly urge them to keep doing so.  We follow up every report and use information provided to track down suspects. 
“Officers carry out a range of enquiries including visiting petrol stations weekly to collate CCTV images of those on the bikes buying fuel to help identify offenders.” 

He added: “Footage of illegal riding can be passed on to us via the op Snap webpage at  

Information about those involved in dangerous riding can always also be given to us anonymously via Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111. 
“We know how much concern illegal off road riding causes and those involved should be warned that we will do everything we can to track you down, seize your bike, and take action against you.”
