Scores of Kirklees Businesses And Taxis Checked In Police Operations

Scores of Kirklees Businesses And Taxis Checked In Police Operations

News Hour

Monday 17 June, 2024

More than 50 taxis and scores of off licences across Kirklees have been checked by police in a swathe of activity to help keep residents safer.   

Kirklees Police licencing officers and colleagues from the Dewsbury and Huddersfield town centre teams have said more activity is planned following a packed week of operations to check businesses proving services to the public were doing so safely. 

As part of the National Licensing Week, police visited every off licence in Dewsbury and Huddersfield in spot checks to ensure they were selling alcohol legally and not selling to persons under age. 

Businesses CCTV was also checked to ensure it was in working order. 

More than 1,700 illegal cigarettes were seized from one off licence with several referrals made to West Yorkshire Trading Standards for businesses not properly complying with licensing restrictions. 

Police also joined  forces with the DVLA to stop and check 51 taxis operating in Kirklees to ensure they were safe and road legal.   

Positively, only a handful of minor issues were found with a handful of the vehicles. 

In other activity, 15 fast food delivery vehicles were inspected by the DVSA with four found to have vehicle defects.  Drivers were given prohibition notices in each case. 

Town centre pubs across Kirklees were also visited to ensure that licensing hours were being adhered to, CCTV was working, safeguarding measures were in place and staff training was up to date. 

Inspector Mark Pattinson of Kirklees Police, said: “Keeping people safe is our primary role as police, and the recent licensing week has seen officers work across our communities to check on businesses and services we all use day to day, to ensure they were operating safely. 
“Pleasingly, the majority of businesses we inspected were indeed meeting their licensing requirements and operating legally.  
“It was particularly positive to note that no serious issues were found in the 51 Kirklees licenced taxis which we checked, and I want to thank those drivers for their co-operation. 
“Follow up action with West Yorkshire Trading Standards is already being taken in cases where breaches were found in business premises.” 

He added: “Information and intelligence about licencing breaches is recorded and investigated and I would ask anyone who has information about offences such as under age alcohol sales in Kirklees to contact their local NPT via 101 or online at  
“Information can also be given anonymously to the independent Crimestoppers charity on 0800 555 111.” 
