Scrapping the tax cut for the richest is humiliating for the Chancellor but the right call

Scrapping the tax cut for the richest is humiliating for the Chancellor but the right call

News Hour

Tax retreat

SCRAPPING the tax cut for the richest is humiliating for the Chancellor but the right call.

Whatever the policy’s economic arguments it was rushed, previously undiscussed even in Cabinet and had become a political nightmare for Liz Truss, as her party’s calamitous poll ratings show.

Liz Truss and Kwasi Kwarteng U-turned on their tax cut


Liz Truss and Kwasi Kwarteng U-turned on their tax cutCredit: Getty

It could have cost the Tories the next election and may still do so — but at least that risk is now lower.

Some Tories are furious the PM U-turned.

But the mini-Budget would almost certainly have been defeated in the Commons with such a controversial measure still in it.

Better to pull the plug on the 45p rate cut and hope to move on.

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But two things are vital for the Tories.

First, to keep faith with the pro-growth agenda — and accept that lower taxes and less regulation ARE the best way to end the long-term stagnation which steadily makes Britain poorer.

A 1p cut off basic-rate tax and the reversal of the National Insurance rise are both welcome, popular and solidly pro-growth.

Even scrapping the hike in corporation tax benefits customers who would have ended up paying for it.

Second, Tory rebels of all stripes, who seem to love the endless psychodrama of toppling and installing leaders, must grow up and back the one they have.

If they are now tempted to neuter every other Truss plan they dislike they will paralyse her Government and fatally divide their party going into an election she may have little choice but to call.

Their vanity would hand Keir Starmer power on a platter.

Penny drops

PENNY Mordaunt is not wrong with her four-letter attack on Tory spin doctors.

No wonder the mini-Budget fell apart when the party defended it so ineptly.

Penny Mordaunt is not wrong with her four-letter attack on Tory spin doctors


Penny Mordaunt is not wrong with her four-letter attack on Tory spin doctorsCredit: AFP

Do most voters understand economic growth or why it is fundamental to living standards?

The Government communications operation is leaving them none the wiser over its central policy.

Much of the broadcast media, alongside social media, is campaigning for Labour.

Ministers need a much stronger PR game to counter it.

Migrant fight

OUR new Home Secretary aims to deter illegal migrants with threats of prison or deportation.

With respect, we’ll believe that when we see it.

Suella Braverman should be ready for a tsunami of court battles


Suella Braverman should be ready for a tsunami of court battlesCredit: PA

It’s true most who land on our beaches are merely jumping the queue.

Only a few have a genuine asylum case.

The latest ruse among Albanians is to claim to be a victim of modern slavery, exploiting the Tory crackdown on that appalling evil.

We must demand hard evidence in every case.

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But Suella Braverman should be ready for a tsunami of court battles.

Left-wing lawyers will work 24/7 to stop a single cheat being kicked out or jailed.
