Man who sexually assaulted vulnerable woman jailed for 18 years

The Database

A man who carried out a series of horrific sexual attacks on a vulnerable woman over several years has been jailed following a “harrowing” police investigation.

Kevin Smith, 55, of east London, was sentenced to 18 years in prison at Snaresbrook Crown Court on Tuesday, having earlier pleaded guilty to 18 counts of rape and assault by penetration between January 2016 and July 2021.

Smith, who also used the name ‘Ian Dormer’, will serve six years on licence on release.

The victim, who is a vulnerable woman, disclosed what was happening to mental health services staff and they alerted police shortly afterwards.

Smith was arrested on Saturday, 24 July. He was charged and remanded in custody the following day.

Officers from the North East Safeguarding Team seized and searched Smith’s phone, revealing a disturbing search history around rape and other sexual offences and the legality around them.

A thorough search of Smith’s address was also conducted, during which officers discovered he had made plans to flee before police arrival.

He had removed the sofa, bed and wardrobe in an alleged attempt to give the impression he had not lived there, and had also packed what was left of his belongings into boxes.

On his phone officers found he had researched where he could go to disappear within the UK, and how he could get rid of his phone so that the police would never find it.

Detective Constable India Allen said: “This was a harrowing investigation involving a female victim who suffered terribly at the hands of Smith, who used a position of trust to abuse her.

“Her support during our investigation and the judicial process has been crucial. I would like to thank and praise her for the outstanding courage and bravery she has shown.

“I hope Smith’s substantial sentence will give her some small measure of comfort as she looks to the next chapters of her life, safe in the knowledge that Smith is behind bars.

“I urge anyone who is the victim of a sexual offence to speak to us. We will listen to you in the strictest of confidence, we will investigate, and we will use our specialist skills and expertise to do our utmost to bring offenders to justice.”