Oliver Steeper: Coroner raises concerns over baby’s choking death

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The coroner has called for more regular refresher training in paediatric first aid, stating the current three-year term is too long of a time frame for staff to remember the correct procedures in detail.

Oliver died from a brain injury caused by a cardiac arrest due to choking.

A jury at his inquest last month found he died as a result of misadventure.

Jelly Beans Day Nursery is now closed.

His parents, Zoe and Lewis Steeper, have welcomed the PFD report and hope change will come from it.

In a statement they said: “Since losing Oliver after the choking incident, our mission has been to use his memory to make childcare settings safer places for children at such an important and vulnerable stage in their life, specifically around the preparation of food.”

They said they are looking forward to a response from the government.

The Department for Education has confirmed it’s received the coroner’s report and will respond in due course.